The Lower School begins in Year 1 at the age of 5 and runs through to Year 2; this is known nationally as Key Stage 1 (KS1). There are 6 classes in total in the Lower School, three in each year group. The transition from Reception to Year 1 is well planned, with pupils spending time with their new teachers at the end of their time in Reception, familiarising themselves with their new classrooms and learning areas over a transitional period.

Pupils will have to complete certain statutory assessments during their time in the Lower School, including a Phonics Screening Check towards the end of Year 1 and SATs in Reading, Maths and GPS in Year 2. Pupils will be well prepared for these assessments by their teachers and support staff and the school has a proven track record for producing good outcomes.

During their time in the Lower School, pupils will have many opportunities to extend their learning experience beyond the classroom by attending educational visits. Educational visits are an important part of school life at William Murdoch Primary School and contribute significantly to our pupils’ learning. Each year group will go on a maximum of three educational visits per academic year to support, extend and enrich the learning that is going on in the classroom. One of the visits during the year is to a local place of worship to enhance the pupils’ religious education.

The school also engages with numerous partners and external organisations to provide pupils with a variety of enrichment opportunities to supplement the learning that takes place in the classroom. For example, during Science Week, which takes place during the Spring Term, pupils will enrich their learning by taking part in a variety of workshops. Aspire Sports deliver PE-based workshops to every pupil, which have previously included workshops focused on the Paralympics, Ultimate Frisbee and gymnastics.