From September 2020 (actual implementation delayed until summer term 2021), all primary schools were required by the government to teach Relationships and Health Education. Relationships Education is designed to help children to have positive and safe relationships whether these are directly with family and friends or have been developed online. Health Education will help children to make good decisions about their health and wellbeing and enable them to know how to seek support if any health issues arise for themselves or others.
At William Murdoch Primary School, we have been delivering Relationships and Health Education within our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum for many years.  We have reviewed our PSHE curriculum to make sure that our lessons meet the requirements that the government has set out for the content of Relationships and Health Education. We have also updated our Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RSHE) policy to reflect the new statutory status of Relationships Education, and we are inviting parents to consider this policy before it is finalised. 

To better understand the way in which RSHE will be taught at William Murdoch, we have created a number of resources including a video that deals with many of the myths associated with the teaching of RSHE in schools. The resources are available in this section of the website and you will also find details of what will be covered in each of the lessons alongside a handy government guide for parents.

RSHE Policy 2021 - Please refer to 'Key Information'

Including and valuing all children - leaflet for parents


Understanding relationships and health education - a guide for parents

PSHE & RSHE Lesson Coverage - Nursery

PSHE & RSHE Lesson Coverage - Reception

PSHE & RSHE Lesson Coverage - Year 1

PSHE & RSHE Lesson Coverage - Year 2

PSHE & RSHE Lesson Coverage - Year 3

PSHE & RSHE Lesson Coverage - Year 4

PSHE & RSHE Lesson Coverage - Year 5

PSHE & RSHE Lesson Coverage - Year 6