At William Murdoch Primary School we aim to create a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere in which pupils, staff and parents/carers feel they are valued members of the school community. All stakeholders are expected to show consideration and courtesy to each other at all times.

Our approach to behaviour management is based on a ‘warm-strict’ approach, whereby positive relationships between staff and pupils are built and nurtured, which sit alongside long established firm and high expectations and consequences for any pupil who does not meet those expectations. This approach allows pupils’ personalities to develop, whilst also instilling strong self-discipline, a sense of responsibility and an awareness of the needs and feelings of others.

Whilst classroom rules are decided upon collaboratively by the class teacher and pupils, there are 5 ‘Our School Expectations’ in place which pupils aspire to on a daily basis:


Each pupil is put into a house team when they join the school. Our houses are named after 4 inspirational figures from British history: 
Jane Austen was a British author who was born in 1775 and went on to write some of the best-loved literature which has stood the test of time and remains popular today. Her novels include Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park and Emma.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel was a British engineer who lived between 1806 and 1859. He is widely considered to be one of the most inventive and prolific designers and engineers that has ever lived. His notable achievements include the design and construction of many tunnels, bridges, railway lines and ships including the Clifton Suspension Bridge and The Great Western ship.

John Constable was a famous artist who lived during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. He was a landscape painter whose significant works include The Hay Wain, The Cornfield and The Lock.

Charles Darwin was a British scientist who is best known for his theory of evolution by natural selection. His book On the Origin of Species was a ground-breaking publication and one of the most influential academic texts ever written. 

Pupils receive house points for displaying positive behaviour, which they can save up to purchase items from the ‘House Point Reward Shop’. The house points awarded during a week are collected by monitors and the overall winning house is announced during our Friday assemblies.

Minor misbehaviours are dealt with by the class teacher using the ‘Good to be Green’ behaviour system. Pupils may receive a yellow or red card depending on the nature of the incident and consequently miss part or all of their break time in a centralised detention in the hall. More serious misconduct is referred to the Deputy Headteachers or Headteacher. If a pupil’s behaviour causes concern, parents will be invited into school at the earliest opportunity to discuss the issues and will be expected to work in partnership with the school on an agreed behaviour programme.

Bullying (including cyberbullying) and racial harassment is dealt with swiftly and firmly. All reports of such behaviour are taken very seriously and pupils risk being excluded from school if it persists.

Parents/Carers are always welcome in school to discuss their child’s well-being with the class teacher or other members of staff by prior appointment. Please contact the Main Office in such circumstances.